If you haven’t moved on to such fashionable board games in the last few years, it won’t be because we haven’t tried. We select the best games if you already spend Monopoly, many other for those players who want more significant challenges, and of course, we have our proposals for those who like solo play. We even picked the best videos to learn how to play them.

But if despite all our efforts, you are more tablet, digital format and touch a screen than move pieces, chips, figures or cards, here are the 23 best board games for tablets, both iPad and Android and even Windows computers.

  1. Pictionary

A game like Pictionary is tough to take to mobile devices, but it has managed to get to Android with a game system in which while one draws the others do not look, and when the drawing is finished the Mobile will pass to the friend to guess. You can play one against 1 or 2 against 2.

  1. Galaxy Trucker

Galaxy Trucker is one of the board games that have best adapted to mobile devices. It challenges us to build our spaceship and explore space with it, with a wide variety of game modes from a player or multiplayer. It is available for Android, iOS, and Windows for prices between 5 and 5.49 euros.

  1. Twilight Struggle

The Cold War in a board game and all of it allied with events that happened. Twilight Struggle is a medium complexity strategy game that presents new and different challenges in each game session. Players move units and exert influence to try to win allies and gain control of their superpower. Available for Android and iOS, but also Windows and Mac via Steam.

  1. Monopoly

Undoubtedly one of the most classic board games, which we have all played and which made it easier to switch to digital format. That’s why we can find the well-adapted Monopoly in both the iOS and Android versions and even for Kindle or Blackberry. And there are several versions. Prices range from 2 euros for Android to the euro for iPad. There is also a version for Windows Phone.

  1. Eclipse

Tutorial mode, up to six opponents who may be friends or the game’s AI (with three difficulty levels), and seven species to choose to boot your domain from the hand Galaxy version of the game’s dashboard Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy. The game costs 8 euros for Android and iOS.

  1. Ticket to Ride

Trains and tablets are called to get along if we stick to this fantastic ticket to Ride adaptation. In the game, we can face four rivals controlled by tablet AI or the most classic play and spend with five friends. The price of this adaptation is 5 and a half euros for the iOS version and almost 2 euros less for Android. And there are Pay-Per-View map extensions within the application. If we choose PC with Windows or Mac, the price goes up to 10 euros.

  1. Magic The Gathering

The mythical and well-known Magic card game fits perfectly with the tablet format and has been offering new versions for years now that, in passing, is a good payout in the form of purchases within the application. But it’s worth it if you’re addicted to this game. There is a version for iPad, Android, and Windows, being free to start with it.

  1. Scrabble

Another one of those board games we’ve probably all played once and wouldn’t mind playing on a tablet is Scrabble. The adaptation is complete, and we have the advantage that tasks such as counting or checking that a word is right to remain on the side of technology. The game is free with purchases within.

  1. Risk

Manage resources, in this case, armies, strategy, and a lot of ambition. It could be the definition of many games, but it’s the Risk. In the iPad version, different game modes try to take advantage of the peculiarity of the digital with the possibility of up to six players around a single tablet.

  1. Zombies

The trendy theme of recent years in series, movies, and comics has a great board game that is also adapted for iPad and Windows 10. Zombies!!! he has no secrets and” alone ” must be escaped from the Living Dead. Now, nobody said it was simple.